О вреде арифметики

How Donald Trump Is Driving Up Health Insurance Premiums

This Is How Much Trump’s Obamacare Sabotage Increased Health Insurance Costs

Study says Trump moves trigger health premium jumps for 2018

CBO: Trump is making Obamacare premiums more expensive

Donald Trump owns Obamacare now

Это все было раньше. Сегодня:

"About a month ago, President Trump
cut off a key Obamacare subsidy program.

Weirdly, it appears that this might make Obamacare more affordable than ever for many enrollees. It might make Obamacare work a bit better than last year, which certainly didn’t seem to be the president’s intention."

Does he still own Obamacare?


Re-mirrored to LJ from Dreamwidth.

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