2017 according to our betters

Goodbye 2017. And good riddance.
What a dumpster fire of a year, especially for those who reside and operate in the world of politics and policy. Who will mourn the passing of 2017?

As the year comes to a close, the job of making sense of it begins.
This year, I heard so many people ask, "Is this really happening?" It felt at times as if we were living in an alternate reality. There’s no denying that 2017 was both bizarre and a rallying of all sorts. The question is, who will be left standing when the rally is over?

Grit your teeth. Persevere. Just a few more days and this awful, rotten, no-good, ridiculous, rancorous, sordid, disgraceful year in the civic life of our nation will be over. Here’s hoping that we all — particularly special counsel Robert Mueller — have a better 2018.

Alas, I confess to having difficulty finding much positivity to cling to this year, because as far as the state of the American union is concerned, I have never seen anything as bad as 2017.

War, climate change, and the return of fascist politics to the United States and Europe have all shown that the certainties of the 1990s were not certainties at all. Neither Hitler nor the Paris Peace Agreement changed our world permanently. Donald Trump is the president and the future feels canceled.  How do we escape, now? In 2017 the monsters of our nightmares stepped into the daylight, and in response we turned to a new version of the real.

Читал бы такое и читал, эх. Отличный был год, короче говоря. Жалко только, что "и это пройдет".

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