Траур в Washington Post

Why doesn’t President Trump’s base feel betrayed yet, as so many observers think it should? Pundits have argued that they would feel alienated by his State of the Union address, his firing of Stephen K. Bannon and his trip to Davos to mingle with the global elite.

Our research suggests that it might be because Trump is delivering the traditional conservative policies that large shares of his voters wanted all along.

There is plenty that will play out before the 2018 election is held in 10 months, but for a Republican Party that seemed on a crash course for disaster, passing a severely unpopular piece of legislation may just turn out to be a good move.
"Кажется, что-то пошло не так". Но надежда еще есть. "Why doesn’t President Trump’s base feel betrayed yet?"

А вот, кстати, что такое fake news по-настоящему: подавляющее большинство электората было под впечатлением, что в результате республиканской реформы налоги у них вырастут. Действительности это не соответствовало, а впечатление тем не менее как-то создалось. Интересно, как бы это могло произойти.

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