TDS в действии

Police responding overnight to a call of an active shooter at President Trump’s golf resort in Doral, Florida, engaged in a shootout with a man and ended up taking him into custody with gunshot wounds. Miami-Dade Police Director Juan Perez said at a news conference early Friday morning that the man was found "actively shooting" in the lobby of Trump National Doral Miami resort, making anti-Trump statements.

At a press conference later in the morning, police identified the man in custody as Jonathan Oddi, 42, of Doral.

One officer sustained a broken wrist during the altercation, but nobody else, apart from the shooter, was wounded. The man in custody was not identified, and his motive remained unclear later Friday morning.

 Хрен догадаешься, конечно, что там у него был за мотив.

UPD: пишут, в Техасе в какой-то школе вроде стреляли только что. Теперь про этого мужика можно будет забыть прямо сразу с полными и законными на то основаниями.

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