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A Marxist Education: Learning to Change the World will be published on June 5 by Haymarket Books, and is authored by Wayne Au, a long-time social justice educator who teaches classes in the UW-Bothell School of Educational Studies.

The forthcoming book—a preview of which was reviewed by Campus Reform—frames the adoption of Marxist and socialist values as a much-needed strategy for educators to help students resist capitalism, white men, the U.S. President, and much more.


The book’s penultimate chapter—“Curriculum to Change the World: Developing a Marxist-Feminist Standpoint in the Politics of Knowledge”—elucidates strategies that educators can adopt to teach in the Marxist tradition. One of these strategies is the adoption of “Marxist-feminist standpoint theory,” writes Au.

Да здравствует марксизм-феминизм — вечно живое революционное интернациональное учение, знамя борьбы трудящихся всех стран против империализма, за победу социализма и коммунизма!

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