I bought that!

Отлично получилось, я чуть чаем не подавился, когда услышал. Вот этот момент в описании New York Post:

Billionaire Mike Bloomberg came close to saying he “bought” the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives — but caught himself and said “I got them,” instead during Tuesday night’s debate.

The former New York mayor was touting the millions he spent to help elect Democrats to the House in 2018, arguing he’s the candidate to keep it under Democratic control.

“All of the new Democrats that came in, put Nancy Pelosi in charge, and gave the Congress the ability to control this President,” Bloomberg said. “I boug … I got them.”

Нет, не дотягивает Блумберг до Трампа. Тот бы на каждых дебатах хвастался, как он всем купил место в Конгрессе, и ничего бы не стеснялся.

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