А вот кому новостей не хватало

Теперь, значит, у Трампа коронавирус. NYT по этому поводу отмечает:

The president’s result came after he spent months playing down the severity of the outbreak that has killed more than 207,000 in the United States and hours after insisting that “the end of the pandemic is in sight.”

У первой леди тоже анализ положительный.

Цитаты буду добавлять по ходу движения.

LA Times: Trump’s coronavirus infection is the result of his deadly, foolish recklessness

Vox: Trump’s coronavirus infection is an indictment of his approach to the pandemic. The diagnosis is another reminder of his administration’s failure on Covid-19.

The New Republic: Of Course Donald Trump Got Covid-19 The president’s diagnosis is the culmination of months of failed leadership.

И под всем этим: Chinese state media mocks Trump’s positive virus test: ‘Paid the price for his gamble to play down’ pandemic. Ну, справа давно злопыхают, что NYT с Vox’ом и есть Chinese state media.

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