Тяжелая жизнь либералов

When I went to the workshop, as a white progressive liberal woman born and raised in Seattle, I thought I had it covered. “I’m so not racist. I’m not even actually white!” I thought triumphantly. “My mom is Dutch-Indonesian! That’s like, part-oppressed!” Nevermind that I benefit from being perceived as white every day, in every institution in the country.

I thought I could impress everyone with how evolved I was, how excellent of a grasp I had on racism. “I’m writing a book on education inequality! And race is a huge part of it! Yay, me!” Well, I didn’t have an excellent grasp on it. As the facilitators told me I would, I walked away feeling really uncomfortable and aware of my privilege as a white woman. Because now I could see the ways that I was participating in a system designed to be invisible, with the purpose of keeping people of color down.

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.

Что такое “не везет”

Тот магазин, владелец которого получил по шее от Майкла Брауна, разграбила толпа, возмущенная отсутствием справедливости в деле Майкла Брауна.

Есть такие места, где, наверно, не стоит открывать магазины.

Введу, пожалуй, тэг “social justice”.

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.