Три недели

At the dawn of the Obama Administration we have witnessed: four high-level appointees blow up over various issues, tax and otherwise (Richardson, Daschel, and Killefer get axed; Geithner stays); the appointment of at least 12 lobbyists to positions in the Administration — in direct contradiction of campaign promises; a pork-laden economic stimulus bill without precedent in US history; and the reversal of campaign positions concerning controversial policies like rendition.

Хорошее начало – дела середина.

“Well, I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but I actually got some quiet encouragement from the Obama folks for what I’m doing,” said Cooper, one of about 55 House Democrats to sign a letter criticizing Speaker Nancy Pelosi for suspending normal debate and committee rules on the $819 billion package.

При Картере демократы, оказавшись у власти везде, тоже мгновенно передрались, с известным результатом.

Опубликовано в Записках Часовщика. Комментировать лучше там, но можно и здесь.