Две Америки

Yes, John Edwards, There Are Indeed ‘Two Americas’ by Jennifer Rubin

The real divide is between the political and economic, between those obsessed with politics and those determining our economic future.

In the former realm reside the politicians, political pundits, and the MSM reporters. In their world, Barack Obama is unblemished and riding “sky-high,” the stimulus was a political triumph, and the front page stories are the signing ceremony for the stimulus bill, Roland Burris’ potential perjury problems, and the prospects for new commerce and health and human services secretaries.

In the economic realm all of this is piffle.


It is not surprising that political reporters, largely ignorant of economics, wouldn’t plunge into a discussion, for example, of the specifics of the bond market. But you think they might look up from the fleeting and erratic political popularity polls to see if forward-looking indicators of actual behavior — consumer confidence ratings and the stock market, in particular — are reacting positively or negatively to the Democrats’ political “triumphs.”

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