Награда нашла героя

Арлен Спектер, перебежавший к демократам, проиграл праймериз в Пенсильвании. Ну и заодно подтвердил репутацию Обамы – кого тот поддержит, тому и конец.

АР: PHILADELPHIA – U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter on Tuesday was defeated in a Democratic primary in his bid for a sixth term after taking the risky step of switching from the GOP.

Voters picked U.S. Rep. Joe Sestak as the party’s nominee and rejected the 80-year-old Specter in his first Democratic campaign since his Republican Party defection.

With 79 percent of precincts reporting, Sestak received 435,630 votes, or 53 percent; Specter received 384,027 votes, about 47 percent.

The vote also was a defeat for President Barack Obama, who supported Specter when he abandoned the Republican Party last year. In speaking to supporters at a downtown Philadelphia hotel after the race was called, Specter thanked Obama for his support.

Specter said he had called Sestak to congratulate him and tell him “I think it’s vital to keep this seat in the Democratic Party and I will support him.”

Specter left while holding hands with his wife, Joan. He didn’t answer questions from reporters.

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