Адвокаты Ассанжа протестуют против публикации в The Guardian (это куда Ассанж сливал свою добычу, среди прочих газет) документов, слитых из полиции. Ассанжа, видите ли, эти утечки выставляют в невыгодном для него свете, и получается smear campaign.
Another supporter close to the WikiLeaks founder said the leak appeared designed by the authorities in Sweden to jeopardise Mr Assange’s defence. “There has been a selective smear through the disclosure of material. That material, in Swedish, was passed to a journalist at The Guardian,” a source said. “The timing appears to have been cynically calculated to have the material published in the middle of the bail application and the appeal.”
Ай-яй-яй, как нехорошо вышло.
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