Все хорошо, прекрасная маркиза

An earlier post-speech Gallup Poll found the president’s assertion that the troubled economy is “poised for progress” was rejected by a majority of Americans, who say the economy is actually still worsening. Obama will try his economic pitch again Wednesday on a sales trip to Pennsylvania.

Although historically relatively little of State of the Union speeches actually come to fruition, Gallup found widespread doubts about some other assertions by the Democrat:

They don’t like the idea of replacing No Child Left Behind, preferring just revision.

Contrary to the Obama administration’s offshore drilling moratoriums, two-thirds of Americans favor a new energy bill to expand domestic exploration and drilling.

The president outlined a vast new program to rebuild what he called a “crumbling” infrastructure. Americans oppose more stimulus spending and think reducing the deficit is much more important.

Americans oppose giving existing illegal immigrants “a path to legal status” and prefer halting the flow of illegal immigrants before addressing the problems of those already here.

And on Obama’s proudest achievement, his signature healthcare legislation, only 13% like the idea of keeping it as is. Everyone else favors minor changes, major changes or tossing out the entire thing.

Other than that though, the president’s 62-minute speech seems to have gone over really well.

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