Голосуй ногами

Conservatives yearn for a big, clarifying electoral victory in November 2012, but they’re already winning decisively whenever Americans vote with their feet—or their moving vans.

New Census numbers show citizens fleeing by the millions from liberal states and flocking in comparable numbers to bastions of right-wing sentiment. Call it the Great Political Migration.

Ну а как иначе-то. Это как у Суворова: социализм можно создать как следует, только если бежать будет некуда.

Ohio and New York will lose two House seats each. Losing one House seat are Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Florida will now have as many U.S. House members as New York: 27. California — which will not gain a House seat after a census for the first time in its history — will still have 53 seats, and Texas will climb to 36.

“The surprises in the new data are that Michigan lost more than expected and Texas and Nevada are both growing more than the projections,” said Lisa Neidert, a senior research associate at the Population Studies Center at the University of Michigan.

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