Крик души

Нас отбросят на двести лет назад. Все, чего мы добились в образовании и здравоохранении! Правительство просто узнать не сможем! Спаси нас, Хиллари!

Dear Secretary Clinton…

It’s time for you to announce that you’ll be running against Barack Obama in next year’s Democratic presidential primaries. Your party and your country need you now more than ever.

Yes, we all know how rare it is to take on a sitting president from your own party. But this is no normal election year and the circumstances are dire and the stakes too high. By next November if there isn’t significant improvement in the economy and appreciably reduced unemployment, President Obama will likely lose to a Republican. And it might be a Tea Party Republican like Michele Bachmann or Rick Perry, who will set America back 200 years from an economic, policy and social standpoint. Government as we Democrats know it will be unrecognizable, and the advancements we’ve made in the areas of education, healthcare, science, environmental protection and civil/human rights will fall to ignorance, intolerance and religious zealotry. We simply cannot lose next year’s election, and you must be a part of the strategy to keep the White House in Democratic hands.

По-моему, про образование и здравоохранение это он зря. Не поймут-с.

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