Christie out

Говорят, Кристи собирается отказаться окончательно. На сегодняшней пресс-конференции. Посмотрим.

Everyone is reporting that Chris Christie has decided not to run.

Today it is breaking news.

It was also breaking news in August when he said he was not running.

It was also breaking news in July when he said he was not running.

It was also breaking news in June when he said he was not running.

It was also breaking news in May when he said he was not running.

This is like rain and snow in New York. Whenever it rains or snows in New York the national media fixates on the rain and snow in New York as if it is an unheralded event of apocalyptic proportions never seen before or to be seen again.

UPD: Кристи сказал, что выдвигаться не будет. Surprise!

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