
Daily Mail разжигает всякую рознь, сообщая, что в Британии мусульмане бойкотируют классы по теории эволюции. Поскольку, ясное дело, в Коране про эволюцию ничего нет. Причем речь идет не о средней школе, как в Штатах, а о студентах-биологах, в том числе и о будущих врачах.

Steve Jones emeritus professor of human genetics at university college London has questioned why such students would want to study biology at all when it obviously conflicts with their beliefs. He told the Sunday Times: “I had one or two slightly frisky discussions years ago with kids who belonged to fundamentalist Christian churches, now it is Islamic overwhelmingly. They don’t come [to lectures] or they complain about it or they send notes or emails saying they shouldn’t have to learn this stuff. What they object to – and I don’t really understand it, I am not religious – they object to the idea that there is a random process out there which is not directed by God.”

Интересно, а здесь кто-нибудь возражает против преподавания эволюции на биологических специальностях?

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