Как это делается в Висконсине

Там сейчас демократы собирают подписи, чтобы устроить досрочные перевыборы губернатора.

Signatures of names like Mickey Mouse and Adolf Hitler are being considered valid on recall petitions of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker as long as they are properly dated, a government board indicated Tuesday.

Suspicious signatures will be noted, but reviewers on the Government Accountability Board will be looking primarily to see whether the signatures are accompanied by a Wisconsin address and signed during the appropriate time, according to WISN12.

“We will flag them, but we will not strike them without challenge,” said board elections specialist David Buerger, when asked whether Mickey Mouse’s signature could count. He added that in previous petitions, Hitler’s name was only struck because the address was in Germany, not due to the name itself.

А и действительно, может, человека и впрямь зовут Микки Маус. Главное, чтобы в адресе было написано “Висконсин”.

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.