Obama vs. Romney

Полл от Fox News: если б выборы провели прямо сейчас, Обама получил бы 42%, а Ромни – 35%. Фокс почему-то называет этот результат “essentially tied”.

Each candidate receives strong backing from their party faithful. Eighty-eight percent of Democrats back Obama, and 86 percent of Republicans support Romney.

Independents break for Romney by 43-38 percent.

Overall, more voters are “very” confident in Obama’s ability (26 percent) to make the right decisions for the country than feel that way about Romney (16 percent).

On the other hand more voters are either “very” or “somewhat” confident in Romney’s decision-making (59 percent), than Obama’s (54 percent “very” or “somewhat” confident).

All in all, 51 percent of voters have a favorable opinion of Obama and 46 percent unfavorable. For Romney, 45 percent view him favorably and 38 percent unfavorably.

Romney’s venture capitalist background is viewed positively by a majority of voters. By a 54-30 percent margin, more voters think it is a “good thing” for a candidate to have that kind of financial experience and knowledge rather than a “bad thing” because the candidate would be too close to Wall Street and the greed that caused the financial collapse.

Наиболее интересный вопрос, на мой взгляд:

(Romney voters only) Is that more a vote FOR Mitt Romney or more a vote AGAINST Barack Obama?
– For Romney 33%
– Against Obama 58%

Вот-вот. Лишь бы не было войны, типа. Тем не менее результаты выглядят для Ромни не так уж плохо, есть пространство для разных чудес, мало ли что. Я, впрочем, поставил-таки стобаксов на то, что выиграет Обама.

А, да: что касается primaries, то Ромни теперь лидирует с результатом в 40%, но это уже не так и важно. Здесь особых чудес ожидать не приходится. На InTrade у него больше 90%. “That is the sound of inevitability, Mr.Anderson.”

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.