Версия Зиммермана

Изложение версии Зиммермана, отличающееся от появлявшихся ранее. (Необходимый, как оказалось, UPD: обратите внимание – это версия Зиммермана В ПЕРЕСКАЗЕ автора статьи ПЕРЕСКАЗА Мартина-старшего ПЕРЕСКАЗА следователя, так что будьте осторожны, если захотите цитировать).

“He told me Zimmerman’s story was that Zimmerman was of course following him and that Trayvon approached his vehicle, walked up to the car and asked Zimmerman, ‘Why are your following me?’ Zimmerman then rolls his car windows down, tells Trayvon ‘I’m not following you.’ He rolls his car windows up.

“Trayvon walks off. Zimmerman said he started running between the buildings. Zimmerman gets out of his car. He comes around the building. Trayvon is hiding behind the building, waiting on him. Trayvon approaches him and says, ‘What’s your problem, homes?’ Zimmerman says ‘I don’t have a problem.’

“Zimmerman starts to reach into his pocket to get his cellphone, and at that point Trayvon attacked him. He says Trayvon hits him. He falls on the ground. Trayvon jumps on top of him, takes his left hand and covers Zimmerman’s mouth and tells him to shut the F up and continues to pound on him.

“At that point Zimmerman is able to unholster his weapon and fire a shot, striking Trayvon in the chest. Trayvon falls on his back and says, ‘You got me.’”

Выглядит более осмысленно, чем прежние пересказы. И timeline понятнее, и развитие событий при непосредственном контакте выглядит правдоподобно.

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.