Если кто помнит, во время прошлогодней профсоюзной вакханалии в Висконсине там обнаружились доктора, которые радостно раздавали справки учителям, свалившим с работы поучаствовать в протесте. Так вот этих докторов, оказывается, все-таки слегка прищемили:
Newly released records show the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s medical school disciplined 20 doctors for writing sick notes for protesters during last years’ labor demonstrations at the state Capitol.
Records obtained by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and the Wisconsin State Journal on Thursday show 11 doctors were docked pay between the amounts of $500 and $4,001 and had to attend ethics training.
Nine others were residents, or doctors-in-training. They were given written reprimands and also had to attend ethics training.
All the doctors were warned that further violations could result in termination.
Mirrored from Gears and Springs.