Прокурорские трудности

AP предрекает прокурорам большие трудности. Зиммерману предъявлено обвинение не в убийстве по неосторожности (превышение пределов самообороны, например), а в убийстве второй степени, и теперь обвинителям предстоит доказать, что Зиммерман убивал Мартина намеренно, а не в порядке самообороны вообще.

Legal experts said Corey chose a tough route with the murder charge, which could send Zimmerman to prison for life if he’s convicted, over manslaughter, which usually carries 15-year prison terms and covers reckless or negligent killings.

The prosecutors must prove Zimmerman’s shooting of Martin was rooted in hatred or ill will and counter his claims that he shot Martin to protect himself while patrolling his gated community in the Orlando suburb of Sanford. Zimmerman’s lawyers would only have to prove by a preponderance of evidence — a relatively low legal standard — that he acted in self-defense at a pretrial hearing to prevent the case from going to trial.

There’s a “high likelihood it could be dismissed by the judge even before the jury gets to hear the case,” Florida defense attorney Richard Hornsby said.

Не думаю, что судья окажется настолько решительным, чтобы прекратить дело.

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.