Официально не расист

По делу Зиммермана продолжают всплывать всякие детали. Вот еще одна: в начале всей этой истории много говорилось про то, что следователь Серино хотел Зиммермана арестовать, но прокурор ему не дал. А теперь оказалось, что он как раз не хотел, а коллеги-полицейские на него надавили.

The lead Sanford Police investigator who sought manslaughter charges against George Zimmerman told the FBI that a sergeant and two other officers tried to pressure him into making an arrest in the controversial case — even though he didn’t think there was enough evidence.

Sanford Police Officer Chris Serino first made headlines when evidence released in the case showed he sought manslaughter charges against Zimmerman even while his chief publicly said there was no probable cause to arrest him. But a document released late Thursday casts doubt on Serino’s prior sworn affidavit seeking criminal charges, and raises questions about the credibility of the star law-enforcement witness in the murder case against Zimmerman for the shooting death of a black teenager, Miami Gardens high school junior Trayvon Martin..

Telling the FBI that he was concerned that people inside the police department were leaking information, Serino cited Sgt. Arthur Barnes, officers Rebecca Villalona and Trekelle Perkins “as all pressuring him to file charges against Zimmerman after the incident,” an FBI report said. “Serino did not believe he had enough evidence at the time to file charges.”

Кроме того, ФБР так и не смогло найти доказательств того, что Зиммерман расист.

MIAMI/ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) – FBI interviews with dozens of friends, coworkers and neighbors of George Zimmerman found no evidence that the accused murderer of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin was a racist, according to new documents released on Thursday.

Обвинение, похоже, придется строить исключительно на дурацкой попытке Зиммермана утаить от суда пожертвованные ему деньги, да на рассказах его экс-подруги. Для убийства второй степени может оказаться маловато, если только не удастся подобрать правильное жюри.

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.