Верный путь

За две недели до выборов Обама решил все-таки рассказать, зачем ему второй срок и что он намерен делать. За шестьдесят секунд.

Obama then describes his plan: “Making education and training a national priority; building on our manufacturing boom; boosting American-made energy; reducing the deficits responsibly by cutting where we can, and asking the wealthy to pay a little more. And ending the war in Afghanistan, so we can do some nation-building here at home. That’s the right path.

Like the ad, the booklet highlights American energy production, improving education and private sector growth; continuing to strengthen the health care system and tax code; and protecting safety nets like Social Security.

Отличная формулировка – “continuing to strengthen the health care system and tax code”. Что, интересно, эта публика понимает под “strengthen”?

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.