
Белый дом стоит на своем: Обама ничегошеньки про Петреуса не знал.

Press Secretary Jay Carney said President Obama was “surprised” when he learned last Thursday that Petraeus had carried on an extramarital affair. While the FBI had at that point already been investigating for months, Carney said “protocols” at the agency apparently kept them from notifying Congress and other agencies in the Executive Branch. […] “It is simply a fact that the White House was not aware of the situation regarding General Petraeus until Wednesday and the situation regarding General Allen until Friday,” Carney said.

Все знали. ФБР знало, Холдер еще летом знал, до Кантора и то слухи дошли, а Обама – не знал, потому что у ФБР такие специальные протоколы есть – не докладывать наверх о таких вещах. А кто не верит, тот дурак.

Интересно, верит ли хоть кто-нибудь.

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.