Ух ты

Не надо было, похоже, бросать Петреуса под каток. CNN сообщает, что Петреус намерен, во-первых, рассказать Конгрессу, что он на самом деле сразу знал, что это террористическая атака. Согласно тому же источнику, Петреус говорит, что материалы для Райс пришли не из ЦРУ, а откуда-то из администрации президента.

Just a few minutes ago on CNN, Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr reported that a high-placed source informed her that former CIA Chief David Petraeus will use his upcoming testimony to amend his previous testimony. According to this source, Petraeus will tell the closed door congressional hearing that he knew “almost immediately” that the September 11 anniversary attack on our Libyan consulate was a terrorist attack committed by the al-Qaeda-linked militia Ansar Al Sharia. […] Petraeus also told this source he believed the CIA talking points given to Susan Rice came from within the White House or Administration.

Если это все подтвердится, будет даже интереснее, чем было до сих пор.


Former CIA Director David Petraeus testified in a closed-door hearing Friday morning that his agency determined immediately after the Sept. 11 Libya attack that “Al Qaeda involvement” was suspected — but the line was taken out in the final version circulated to administration officials, according to a top lawmaker who was briefed. […] Fox News was told that neither Clapper nor Morell knew for sure who finalized that information. And they could not explain why they minimized the role of a regional Al Qaeda branch as well as the militant Ansar al-Sharia despite evidence of their involvement.

Так откуда взялись talking points, которые Райс озвучила по пяти каналам “at the White House request”? Экая загадка, а.

UPD: Democratic senators who emerged from the hearing said Petraeus’ testimony supported U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice.

Это такая игра в набор испорченных телефонов.

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.