
Ссылку вот прислали – йельские палеонтологи назвали мелкую вымершую ящерицу в честь президента.

In the process, Yale paleontologist Nicholas Longrich said the team encountered several new species that were previously unknown or misclassified lurking in museum collections. There was one ferocious carnivorous lizard in need of a name, but that one didn’t turn out to be presidential. The small one with the slender jaw seemed just right. There was one problem. This was before November.

“I was seriously thinking, if the election had gone the other way, I would have yanked it,” Longrich said. “It might have seemed like we were mocking it, naming a lizard that goes extinct after that, seemed kind of cruel.”

Сдается мне, они все-таки издеваются. Особенно в свете дальнейших рассуждений про разрушение экосистемы и все такое. Как-то очень актуально звучит.

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.