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Обсуждая сравнительные достоинства современных семей в одном месте, в другом наткнулся вот на что (via Instapundit):

My wife was raped by the girlfriend of the guy I was sleeping/cuddling on the couch with after being too drunk for them to drive. We were forming a poly-quad structure, and now I’m as anxious as the girl about the conversation we’re having soon about boundaries and consent: I want to let her have it with both barrels, but I know that would destroy any chance of better times for us as friends. I presently hate her. I worry she also might be abusive to him, her male partner. How do I face this rationally and constructively?

Brave new world.

Сайт, кстати, откуда линк, может представлять отдельный интерес в рамках русско-жежешных феминистических дискуссий о “нетаких” мужчинах.

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.