Причины эпидемии изнасилований

Министерство образования срочно требует больше денег, а то ему не хватает ресурсов защищать студентов от эпидемии изнасилований. Вот для этого все и происходило.

Democratic Sens. Barbara Boxer of California, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Tim Kaine of Virginia are calling for more money now that their campaigns have helped increase reporting. Of course, they don’t acknowledge that more reports doesn’t necessarily equal more assaults.

“This new data makes clear why the Education Department must step up its efforts to address the epidemic of sexual assault on college campuses, and why Congress must ensure it has the resources it needs to protect students,” Senator Boxer said in a press release emailed to the media.

Разумным ответным предложением было бы упразднение Министерства образования.

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.