Peace, acceptance, community and charity

Huffington Post: We Are All Muslims Now

But ignorance allows fear to grow. In the absence of knowledge of the Quran’s message of peace, acceptance, community and charity, fear fills the void in politics and elsewhere. If self-described Islamic State militants kill time and again in the name of Islam — if they declare a “caliphate” in the ancient tradition — it takes a sense of history and proportion to know that they’re lying.

Ignorance, ага.

С интересом наблюдаю усилия демократов насчет сирийских беженцев. Неужто они до сих пор считают это выигрышной политической стратегией? (Если кто думает, кстати, что это они из-за своих высоких моральных качест стараются, не трудитесь даже комментировать. Особенно к Якову Джеркову просьба воздержаться, я сегодня сильно не в настроении и просто пошлю подальше).

Цитата по случаю:

This funeral stopped the further growth of one thing—the petition to the governor for Injun Joe’s pardon. The petition had been largely signed; many tearful and eloquent meetings had been held, and a committee of sappy women been appointed to go in deep mourning and wail around the governor, and implore him to be a merciful ass and trample his duty under foot. Injun Joe was believed to have killed five citizens of the village, but what of that? If he had been Satan himself there would have been plenty of weaklings ready to scribble their names to a pardon-petition, and drip a tear on it from their permanently impaired and leaky water-works.

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.