Экономические проблемы социализма

Vox рассказывает, отчего в Венесуэле кончилось электричество. Упирают в основном на засуху (странно, что глобальное потепление ни разу не вспомнили), но и некоторые другие нюансы упомянули как бы между прочим.

In the 2000s, after Hugo Chávez came into office, investment in new electric capacity in Venezuela dried up, particularly after he nationalized the grid in 2007. But demand for power kept soaring after the government froze electricity rates in 2002 and began subsidizing consumption.

But during the latest crisis, Maduro hasn’t laid out much of a long-term plan. Instead, he’s largely blamed El Niño and mysterious “saboteurs” for the shortages. And the government has mainly focused on short-term rationing, just as it has during previous crises.

Зато у них там, наверно, все в порядке с income equality и social justice. Или тоже нет?

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.