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Male Norwegian politician raped by asylum seeker says he feels GUILTY that his attacker will now be deported because the man might suffer back in Somalia

Nordal Hauken, who describes himself as a ‘young Socialist Left Party member, feminist and anti-racist’, was attacked in his own home.
The politician reveals that he struggled to come to terms with being a heterosexual male rape victim, and subsequently self-medicated with alcohol and cannabis.
‘I am a heterosexual man who was raped by a Somalian asylum seeker,’ Nordal Hauken writes for NRK.
‘My life fell into ruin, but now I feel guilty about him being sent out of the country.’

По-моему, это перебор. То есть даже если это провокация проклятых ксенофобов, все равно перебор. Не может такого быть. Или это я от жизни отстал? Кто-нибудь ориентируется в норвежских делах, вот эту ссылку можно всерьез воспринимать?

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.