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Стандарт для демократов:

Mothers of Black Victims Emerge as a Force for Hillary Clinton

The mothers of Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner and Tamir Rice, and a half-dozen other black women who had lost children in clashes with the police or in gun violence, were flown in from around the country and invited to gather around a table. They were joined by Hillary Clinton, who asked them, one by one, to tell her their stories.
Since then, these mothers, many of whom did not know one another before the Clinton campaign flew them to Chicago to convene, have blanketed the primary states, appearing with Mrs. Clinton in churches and barbershops from Ohio to South Carolina. They starred in an ad that aired in Cleveland, Chicago and St. Louis. And the campaign has paid their travel expenses so they could attend the Democratic presidential debates.
Having these women by her side has provided Mrs. Clinton with powerful and deeply sympathetic character witnesses as she makes her case to African-American voters. And they have given her campaign, an often cautious and poll-tested operation, a raw, human and sometimes gut-wrenching feeling.

The presence of the mothers has also proved a shrewd political move, influencing black leaders and lawmakers to back Mrs. Clinton.

Стандарт для республиканцев:

The First Night of the RNC Was a Cynical Exploitation of Grief

… Instead, we heard from Patricia Smith, whose son Sean was killed during the 2012 attack on the US diplomatic compound in Benghazi. “I blame Hillary Clinton personally for the death of my son.” And we heard from Sabine Durden, Mary Ann Mendoza, and Jamiel Shaw, who each had a son killed by undocumented immigrants.
… in its eagerness to parade and exploit these grief-stricken survivors, Trump’s Republican Party seemed to me to have reached a new low.

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Mirrored from Gears and Springs.