
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — The leaders of an armed group who seized a national wildlife refuge in rural Oregon were acquitted Thursday in the 41-day standoff that brought new attention to a long-running dispute over control of federal lands in the U.S. West.

Tumult erupted in the courtroom after the verdicts were read when an attorney for group leader Ammon Bundy demanded his client be immediately released, repeatedly yelling at the judge. U.S. marshals tackled attorney Marcus Mumford to the ground, used a stun gun on him several times and arrested him.

Присяжные оправдали, даром что формально эти ребята вполне виновны.

Реакция Вокса: The verdict for those armed militants who took over a federal building is white privilege in action. Невозможно, мол, не вспомнить тут про расу. Ну, может быть, кому и невозможно. Типа, “а я всегда о ней думаю”.

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.