Нет никакого жульничества

А вот, пишут, в Миннесоте какие правила теперь:

State law establishes a detailed procedure to match felons, people under guardianship and noncitizens against the list of people who have registered to vote in the statewide voter registration system. In the case of a match, county auditors are required to change the voter status of any registered voters who are determined to be felons, under guardianship or noncitizens.

But according to instructions from the Secretary of State, election officials must allow felons, people under guardianship and noncitizens who are identified as such on the poll roster to vote anyway, so long as they take an oath claiming they are eligible to vote.

Отдельные отщепенцы, однако, возражают:

Minnesota Secretary of State and county election managers are being sued by election judges who claim the 2016 Minnesota Election Judge Guide requires them to violate state election laws.

Когда ЦИК Secretary of State приказывает допускать к голосованию неграждан, если те поклянутся, что им можно голосовать, – можно ли назвать это “жульничеством на выборах”?

Mirrored from Gears and Springs.