Justice is served

Пишут про очередной суд по известным делам из Rotherham’a:

Six men were given sentences between 10 years and 20 after the court heard details of how two young girls were groomed and sexually abused in the South Yorkshire town between 1999 and 2001. There were emotional and chaotic scenes at Sheffield Crown Court after two of the defendants shouted “Allahu Akbar” as they were led from the dock. As their supporters began shouting down into the court, one of the victims shouted back “justice is served” as police moved into the public gallery.

Интересная получается картина. Вот как обвиняемые и их supporters (наличие у них группы поддержки само по себе красиво выглядит) видят весь этот процесс? Как расизм и угнетение по религиозному признаку? Это у них джихад такой?

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