Хроники антифашизма

Right-wing paramilitaries have been training for years, descendants of the militias of the 1990s, reawakened by their horror that a black man had been elected president of the United States. They have uniforms, insignia, traditions and, not least, stockpiles of weapons. Not only do they thrive under a friendly president, but open-carry states like Virginia enable them to intimidate peaceful assemblies. For the racist right, violence is not only a tactic, it is a calling card.

Это из статьи в New York Times про антифа. Называется статья Who’s Afraid of Antifa? Краткое содержание: “In a world where racist movements form an archipelago of brown-walled islands — with friendly governments in power in Hungary, Poland and the United States — antifa fights back, and although not murderous, is not squeamish about its means.” Автор, само собой, professor of journalism and sociology at Columbia.

Тем временем в Беркли одержана очередная победа над фашистами: Black-clad antifa members attack peaceful right-wing demonstrators in Berkeley

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