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В NYT заподозрили неладное.

The Limits of ‘Believe All Women’

I think the worry is justified. And it’s not because I don’t get the impulse to burn it all down. It’s because I think that “believing all women” can rapidly be transmogrified into an ideological orthodoxy that will not serve women at all.


I believe that the “believe all women” vision of feminism unintentionally fetishizes women. Women are no longer human and flawed. They are Truth personified. They are above reproach.

I believe that it’s condescending to think that women and their claims can’t stand up to interrogation and can’t handle skepticism. I believe that facts serve feminists far better than faith. That due process is better than mob rule.

Maybe it will happen tomorrow or maybe next week or maybe next month. But the Duke lacrosse moment, the Rolling Stone moment, will come. A woman’s accusation will turn out to be grossly exaggerated or flatly untrue. And if the governing principle of this movement is still an article of faith, many people will lose their religion. They will tear down all accusers as false prophets.

Все хорошо в меру, оказывается. Не совсем понятным остались опасения про момент, который рано или поздно наступит. Что, прямо тут же упомянутые моменты с командой из Дюка и со статьей в Rolling Stone еще не наступили? Сколько их еще таких надо, чтобы клиентура веру потеряла? Проще все намного. Никто веру не потеряет, вон Лина Данэм, не к ночи будь помянута, пример показывает – надо верить всем женщинам, кроме тех случаев, когда верить не надо.

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