So is it OK to be White?

A conservative commentator giving a speech titled “It’s OK To Be White” was arrested at the University of Connecticut on Tuesday night following an altercation.

Lucian Wintrich, 29, is a White House correspondent for The Gateway Pundit. He was arrested after a woman attending the event appeared to grab his speech from a lectern before racing off, according to several cellphone video posted on social media.

Wintrich grabbed the woman from behind in an attempt to get the speech back as she was walking away, which led to several people jumping in before security broke it up.

Wintrich was charged with a misdemeanor of breach of peace and released after posting a $1,000 bond.

Там видео есть; ему, как водится на кампусах, несколько человек мешают говорить, какая-то активистка забирает его бумажки с трибуны и уносит, он бросается вслед, догоняет, пытается бумажки отобрать, после чего человек шесть начинают его бить. Арестовали, понятно, только его.

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