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Что касается превентивно-знаменитого меморандума, больше всего мне интересно вот что: демократы хитроумно накаляют атмосферу, чтобы мемо показалось на созданном фоне пустышкой, или в полном соответствии с бритвой Хенлона готовят себе эффект Стрейзанд? Посмотрим. Предварительные результаты этой возни выглядят примерно так:

WASHINGTON—Stressing that such an action would be highly reckless, FBI Director Christopher Wray warned Thursday that releasing the “Nunes Memo” could potentially undermine faith in the massive, unaccountable government secret agencies of the United States. “Making this memo public will almost certainly impede our ability to conduct clandestine activities operating outside any legal or judicial system on an international scale,” said Wray, noting that it was essential that mutual trust exist between the American people and the vast, mysterious cabal given free rein to use any tactics necessary to conduct surveillance on U.S. citizens or subvert religious and political groups. “If we take away the people’s faith in this shadowy monolith exempt from any consequences, all that’s left is an extensive network of rogue, unelected intelligence officers carrying out extrajudicial missions for a variety of subjective, and occasionally personal, reasons.” At press time, Wray confirmed the massive, unaccountable government secret agencies were unaware of any wrongdoing for violating constitutional rights.

Надо бы глянуть – может, теперь, когда Хиллари пропала за горизонтом, The Onion снова можно будет читать.

UPD: глянул – нет, нельзя пока.

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