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NEWTON, MASS. (WHDH) – An outraged man traveling on the Mass. Pike stopped his car Friday morning to rip down a sign hanging from a highway overpass in Newton that read “It’s OK to be white.”

Thousands of commuters on the busy highway got a glimpse of the large white banner that featured bold black lettering, prompting a response from the Anti-Defamation League of New England.

“It’s pretty disappointing to see people in Massachusetts using a platform like that to disseminate a message that excludes people and targets people,” said Robert Trestan, Executive Director of the ADL’s Boston office.

DANBURY, CT (WFSB) — The president of a Connecticut university said hate-filled flyers were randomly distributed throughout campus on Thursday night.

Western Connecticut State University President John Clark said he is shocked and saddened about the flyers and inscriptions found on university property.

The flyers had "It’s Okay to be white" written on them, according to WCSU officials.

An investigation is underway involving Danbury police, CT State Police, and the FBI, where surveillance footage will be reviewed.

Interviews with anyone who may have witnessed the behavior will also take place.

“Have no doubt that we are treating this as an attack on our university community and making every effort to see that those responsible are caught and properly punished. I am fully committed to the absolutely necessary goal this does not happen again. We must be ever vigilant to protect our university against these hateful attacks,” Clark said in a letter.

Если в первом случае с крамолой борются продвинутые граждане и – как же без нее – Анти-Диффамационная Лига, то во втором уже задействованы городская полиция, полиция штата и даже ФБР. Вопрос, допустимо ли быть белым, выходит на качественно новый уровень.

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