The full power of Missouri law

Информация для тех, кто собирается отстреливаться:

Law enforcement officials in St. Louis have allegedly served a warrant on the St. Louis couple who recently defended their home when a large mob of angry demonstrators allegedly trespassed onto their private property.

“5 On Your Side has learned St. Louis police officers executed a search warrant Friday evening at the home of Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the Central West end couple who confronted protesters with weapons in June,” KSDK News reported. “Sources tell 5 On Your Side police seized one of the weapons, the rifle, from the couple and they told police their attorney has the pistol seen in photos.”

И это, возможно, еще не все.

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner, a Democrat, claimed that the McCloskey’s defending their private property was a “violent assault” and that authorities “will use the full power of Missouri law to hold people accountable.”

Прокурорша та же самая, которая отпустила всех задержанных погромщиков без предъявления обвинения.

ST. LOUIS — Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt says St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner has not charged any of the people that St. Louis police officers have arrested during recent violent protests and, as a result, they’ve all been released.

Это Миссури, заметим, не Калифорния и не Нью-Йорк. Город, конечно, но все равно Миссури же. И вот погромы там устраивать можно, а демонстрировать оружие толпе, которая вломилась на твою частную собственность – нельзя, это "violent assault". Этот МакКлоски, который всю жизнь голосовал за демократов и давал деньги ActBlue, он теперь что, интересно, думает по этому поводу?

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