Тонкости маневрирования

Забавно. Демократы уже все хором переключились на месседж, что погромы – это плохо. А раз плохо, значит, виноват в них Трамп, который от отчаяния разжигает насилие на мирных демократических улицах. Но поскольку маневр был очень резкий, кое-кто не успел сориентироваться. Про интервью на NPR я уже упоминал, например. А сейчас вот увидал текст на CNN, где Chris Cilizza объясняет, что никаких погромов нету. Нету riots, есть только protests. А Трамп от отчаяния пытается выдать протесты за погромы. Текст короткий, оставлю его тут целиком на всякий случай.

To hear Trump and his allies tell it, the situations unfolding in Portland, Oregon, and Kenosha, Wisconsin, in response to several high-profile shootings by the police of Black men is rioting, plain and simple.
"In the strongest possible terms the Republican Party condemns the rioting, looting, arson and violence we have seen in Democrat-run cities all, like Kenosha, Minneapolis, Portland, Chicago and New York, many others, Democrat-run," Trump said in his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention last week. "There’s violence and danger in the streets of many Democrat-run cities throughout America."
At a rally in New Hampshire Friday night, Trump went even further. "You know what I say about protesters? Protesters, your ass," he said. "I don’t talk about my ass. They’re not protesters, those are anarchists, they’re agitators, they’re rioters, they’re looters."
Trump’s efforts to label what is happening in major cities as "riots" speaks at least somewhat to his desperation, politically speaking, at the moment.
As CNN’s Harry Enten noted Sunday, Trump’s numbers tumbled following the death of George Floyd in Minnesota in late May and the unrest that followed across the country.
"Peaceful protests dominated the news, race relations jumped in importance in the voters’ minds and support for the Black Lives Matter movement rose to a majority," writes Enten.
Trump, sensing that the race is slipping from him, has latched on to the events following the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha earlier this month as a sign not of peaceful protests but of radical leftists rioting and destroying cities.
The President’s planned trip to Kenosha on Tuesday will give him a huge platform to make that case. "He will meet with law enforcement and survey damage from recent riots," according to the pool report announcing the trip. (That bolding is mine.)

"He’ll use that grieving city as a backdrop for his campaign of fear," predicted former Obama senior political adviser and CNN contributor David Axelrod. "In Trump’s perverse political calculus, division equals addition."
Yup. And making sure people view what is happening in the country as "riots" rather than "protests" is a key part of Trump’s comeback strategy.

Самое ж красивое – опубликован этот текст уже после того, как Байден решительнейшим образом осудил насилие и призвал трусливого Трампа "сделать то же самое".

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