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Neal Houk, a Trump supporter, was out for a ride with his son in their pickup truck yesterday. The Truck was adorned with some pro-Trump signage. They were passing the home of Douglas Kuhn, a Biden supporter and BLM advocate. Kuhn was in the process of putting up a Black Lives Matter sign in his yard. For reasons that remain unclear, Houk decided to honk his horn as he passed Kuhn on his street. The response he received took everyone by surprise. Kuhn dropped the sign, picked up a loaded 12 gauge shotgun, and opened fire. (WJZ News, CBS Baltimore)

А не хрен бибикать, особенно for reasons that remain unclear. Заметим, что люди теперь устанавливают предвыборные знаки, имея под рукой шотган.

“People are taking the politics a little too serious,” Todd added.

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