Small fringe minority with unacceptable views

Vox объясняет своей аудитории всю правду про Freedom Convoy: The “freedom convoy” that has besieged Ottawa isn’t a people’s revolt. It’s a fringe movement protesting its defeat.

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The so-called “freedom convoy” is nominally protesting a vaccine mandate for truckers, implemented in mid-January on both sides of the US-Canada border. But the demonstrations have swiftly ballooned into a broader far-right movement, with some demonstrators waving Confederate and Nazi flags.

But while the protests are generating a lot of noise and attention, the eruption actually points up a counterintuitive fact: The Canadian far right is weak and ineffectual, especially when it comes to pandemic restrictions.

The current demonstration is quite unpopular with the general public, divisive even inside the center-right Conservative party.

News coverage of the convoy, especially from sympathetic anchors on Fox News, may lead Americans to believe that Canada is in the midst of a far-right popular uprising. In reality, the mainstream consensus in Canada about Covid-19, and the nation’s institutions in general, is holding. The so-called trucker movement is on the fringe, including among Canadian truckers — some 90 percent of whom are vaccinated.

Alberta and several other Canadian provinces are now in the process of lifting some of the more burdensome restrictions. But this generally reflects the omicron surge’s ebb rather a wave of public opposition; in Ontario, home to Ottawa and Toronto, the Conservative provincial government is following a preexisting reopening script pegged to a decline in case counts and hospitalizations. Some provincial leaders, like Quebec’s François Legault, noted that reopening plans were in no way influenced by trucker shenanigans.

It makes sense, then, that the trucker protest is widely unpopular.

Особенно мне понравилось то место, где провинции отменяют ограничения по плану, потому что наука, а тракеры тут вовсе и ни при чем. У нас тут, в общем, то же самое: ограничения отменяются, потому что science has changed, причем тут выборы? Не мешает даже то, что далеко не все демократы заметили эти научные перемены. А что поделаешь, очень уж быстро наука меняется.

Кстати, знает ли кто, почему опять перестала работать трансляция из Дрима, и можно ли что-нибудь с этим сделать?