Holy shit

CNN: Black newborns more likely to die when looked after by White doctors

Наука доказала, типа.

via relyef

Автор исследования:

Associate Professor & Blue Cross Endowed Prof of Health & Racial Equity
UMN School of Public Health,
Dismantling Systems of Oppression

Это все про веру в науку, если что.

Кто это недавно писал, не помню, – когда всякая политическая херня проталкивается в качестве "научно обоснованной", наука неизбежно должна быть ручной и показывать только то, что требуется. Именно так дело и обстоит. Причем этот этап тут уже пройден, научные консенсусы успешно формируются в зависимости от текущих политических нужд, и можно требовать от электората "веры в науку" совершенно невозбранно. А заодно переходить к прямому расистскому людоедству, как вот в этом случае.

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Defund the police

Сиэттловский горсовет принял прямо-таки соломоново решение: бюджет полиции урезан, но чисто символически, на один процент. И овцы сыты, и волки целы по большому счету.

Соломонов в горсовете оказалось семь из восьми: главная тамошняя бесноватая, известная на всю страну Кшама Савант, голосовала против, потому что в отличие от остальных и впрямь хочет дефандить полицию.

То есть там хватает и всякого обязательного мудачества, но протестантов, которые требовали сократить полицию вполовину, совет все-таки послал в жопу. Даже как-то и жалко; уж устраивать революцию, так устраивать, к чему это неуместное здравомыслие?

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И о погоде

А теперь, значит, в качестве очередного штриха к этой картине нам обещают severe thunderstorms с ветром под сто миль и торнадо вот прям щас. По всем каналам предлагают прятаться. Снаружи пока тихо, но уже темно.

Если что, не поминайте лихом, хехехе.

UPD: и тут обманули.

UPD2: а, нет, не обманули. Это нам повезло просто. Покатался вокруг – все завалено ломаными ветками, магазин, в который я нацелился, закрыт по причине отсутствия электричества, и так везде повсюду. А нас миновало; ну, хоть что-то.

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Все по плану

Чикаго за ночь немножко разгромили.

Chaos erupted in downtown Chicago early Monday, with widespread looting at countless businesses, property damage and shots fired both at and by police.

More than 100 people were arrested, Chicago Police Supt. David Brown said at a news conference Monday morning alongside Mayor Lori Lightfoot.

It appeared as though the looting initially began in the city’s Loop, but spread to multiple Chicago neighborhoods in the overnight hours, with reports of businesses struck in River North, Streeterville, Lincoln Park, the Gold Coast and the South Loop as well.

The Chicago Transit Authority shut down all train and bus service downtown "at the request of public safety officials," the CTA said. Buses were not running in the area bounded by Fullerton, Cermak and Ashland Avenue for hours, the CTA said, with all train service temporarily suspended as well.

The bridges over the Chicago River were lifted at around 4:30 a.m., preventing further entry into and exit from the downtown area.

Illinois State Police confirmed at around 5 a.m. that Chicago police asked for assistance in blocking all expressway ramps going in and out of the city’s Loop: from Cermak to I-55, I-94 from Roosevelt to Division and Congress Parkway from I-290.

Такие дела. Loop, the Gold Coast, прочие подобные места. Интересно, как Трамп все это организовал; скоро узнаем, надо полагать.

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Раздача слонов

Интересно, как демократы отреагируют на свежие указы Трампа. Будут объяснять, что это плохо? Демократические генпрокуроры дружной толпой подадут на него в суд на Гавайях? Шутка ли сказать – такую монополию нарушил.

Реакция фискально консервативных республиканцев,  если такие еще где-нибудь сохранились, тоже представляет некоторый интерес. Хотя и не столь жгучий, конечно.

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Ссылка на память

Еще про нынешнюю науку.

The massive social media website Twitter—the central hub for cultural discourse and debate—is now actively banning users for stating true facts about basic human biology. And biologists like myself often sit quietly, afraid to defend our own field out of fear that our decade of education followed by continued research, job searches, and the quest for tenure might be made obsolete overnight if the mob decides to target one of us for speaking up. Because of this, our objections take place almost entirely between one another in private whisper networks, despite the fact that a majority of biologists are extremely troubled by these attacks to our field by social justice activists. This is an untenable situation.

Так нынче достигаются научные консенсусы.

Автор этого эссе, кстати, из науки ушел, не выдержал.

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Кто написал четыре миллиона доносов?

Пожалуй, самое страшное, что я читал за последнее время – это июньская еще статья в NYT про то, как школьники друг на друга стучат за неправильные взгляды.

Students have repurposed large meme accounts, set up Google Docs and anonymous pages on Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter, and wielded their personal followings to hold friends and classmates accountable for behavior they deem unacceptable.

“People will post videos of people saying the N-word, or videos where they’re being racist or using derogatory words and stuff like that, and they go viral,” said Sophia Gianotti, 16, a sophomore at Whitesboro High School in Whitesboro, N.Y., where a teacher was recently criticized for stating that “all lives matter” in a virtual school event. (He later apologized.)

Все это, понятно, в благих целях, а как же. Productive conversations, вот это всё.

Francesca Valle, 17, a student at Verona High School in Verona, N.J., started an account called @exposingracists.nj for her school district and those around it.

“I get a lot of DMs from people sending racist things their classmates have said online, things people have said in livestreams, on Snapchat stories,” she said. “If I have their Instagram or Snapchat, I’ll post that along with their racist behavior because I believe in having productive conversations. My aim is not to send people to bully these people; it’s to send people to go educate and inform them about what they’re saying and how they’re wrong.”

Получается, естественно, как всегда.

But often, the result is a social media pile-on: harassment, doxxing, cancellation. Brynna Barry, 16, a student at a Catholic day school in Jacksonville, Fla., learned this firsthand.

After posting some advocacy on Instagram and TikTok for the Blue Lives Matter movement, Ms. Barry, whose father is a police officer, was met with vicious harassment. Her posts spread across her peers’ Instagram feeds, and “my own friends were commenting that I was racist, that they can’t support me,” she said. “Things travel fast. I’m nervous about my address getting leaked.”

Помимо всех вот этих "harassment, doxxing, cancellation", что еще можно сделать со школьником и куда на него надо настучать, чтоб на всю жизнь, сука, запомнил? Правильно, стучать надо в колледжи, куда мерзавец нацелился поступать.

Many students believe the only consequence their peers will take seriously is having their college admissions letter rescinded. “I’m not trying to target freshmen or middle schoolers, but people who are about to go to college need to be held accountable for what they say,” said Anamika Arya, the 16-year-old administrator of @Smithtown_Racist_Callouts, which is focused on Smithtown, N.Y.

“People who go to college end up becoming racist lawyers and doctors. I don’t want people like that to keep getting jobs,” Mx. Arya added.

“People think when you call out a racist student, it’s ruining their life,” said Mariwa Gambo, 15, a junior at a New York City public school. “But when you prevent them from advancing, you’re helping to stop the spread of racist lawyers or doctors or people who make it harder for the black community.”

Никто ничего не скрывает, в общем.

Статья длинная, с примерами и подробностями. Если им верить – а это ж они не про Трампа врут что-нибудь опять, это они своими достижениями гордятся, – то речь не про отдельные случаи, а про массовое движение.

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Несколько ссылок на память

Примеры нынешнего поведения прессы, которой надо свалить на Трампа всю дрянь, организованную и поддерживаемую демократами.

President Trump has settled on a tactic for his re-election campaign, it seems: stoking violence in American cities. Portland was the first victim, but there will be others. Already forces from Customs and Border Protection — who have become a de facto Trumpist paramilitary squad — are being sent to cities like Albuquerque and Chicago.

Chicago Sun-Times, Jesse Jackson: We don’t need Trump’s thugs in Chicago

The excuse for sending federal police here is to protect federal property. The reality is that this is a cynical re-election ploy aimed at earning support for a law-and-disorder president.

Creators.com, Froma Harrop: Ugly Protests Are Trump’s Only Hope

President Donald Trump’s poll numbers continue to sink as cases and death tolls rise. The only thing that could possibly save him is political violence in America’s cities. And that’s what he’s cooking up.

It’s entirely in Trump’s playbook to provoke civic discord. He’s been drawing his detractors into his game for four years. And what better way now than to send armed federal officers in unmarked cars into cities that don’t want them? Unfortunately, protesters in Portland easily rose to the bait. And that chaos set off violent clashes, this time with local police, in Seattle, Omaha and Oakland, California.

“Hitler had his Brown shirts and Mussolini had his Black shirts, now Donald Trump has his camouflage shirts.” Thus began a statement signed by 15 distinguished interdenominational religious leaders in Chicago that I joined, including ministers, priests, and rabbis.

The uncharacteristic display of empathy from some Republicans, for people who do not look like them, was a sobering blow to a reelection campaign that relies on the racist undercurrent permeating many of Trump’s most die-hard supporters. So Trump did what he does best: He co-opted the public narrative and changed it to one he thinks he can win.

The president has no control over local police. But Attorney General William Barr’s surrender of Justice Department independence, and acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf’s zeal to please his boss, have allowed Trump to send droves of federal law enforcement agents to cities under the guise of protecting federal buildings.

By design rather than circumstance, federal officers were offered as bait. Protesters were drawn to feds in combat gear like moths to a flame. When federal agents responded with force, the protesters responded with force — which made the agents respond with even more force.


Ссылок этих до черта, все не приведешь. Bottom line: вся здешняя пресса сейчас – Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines. Многие все время gaslighting поминают, но это уже давно не gaslighting. Это пропаганда военного времени, когда можно все. Папа, убей фашиста, вот это всё.

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Mostly peaceful

Protesters in California set fire to a courthouse, damaged a police station and assaulted officers after a peaceful demonstration intensified.

via Instapundit

Это выглядит уже даже не как советская пресса, а как анекдоты, которые ту прессу передразнивали. "Ответным огнем мирно пахавший советский трактор уничтожил обе китайские дивизии и вышел на орбиту".

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