Харрис всё

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) will end her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination Tuesday, bringing to a close a rough stretch of several months that saw her poll numbers sink and her fundraising performances dry up.

Two campaign aides told The Hill that Harris informed staff Tuesday she would suspend the campaign.

А как дышала; все нужные галочки были проставлены в нужных местах. Но ни сексизм не помог, ни расизм, не дотянула даже до Айовы.

И Уоррен просела. А Байден до сих пор на первых позициях.

Несть числа политическим неожиданностям в стране, где вся пресса озвучивает одну и ту же точку зрения, принадлежащую крикливому, но маленькому меньшинству.


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Как дети, ей-богу

"First of all, I wrote that stuff 19 years ago; I deleted it 15 years ago," Uygur told CNN host Chris Cuomo during an on-set interview. "I deleted it not because I thought I’d get caught or someone would find it, I deleted it because I didn’t believe it anymore. This is not me. I was trying to be a stupid, politically incorrect Republican. So I wrote these things I knew were offensive."
Ты ж моя лапочка, awwww.
Поисками контрреволюции тут, кстати, не республиканцы занимались.
Justice Democrats, a left-leaning progressive political organization which Uygur co-founded, ousted him from its board in December 2017 after the comments found by TheWrap.com went viral.

Страшная сила – интернет.

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