Жизнь в оппозиции

О разнице между либералами и консерваторами: как республиканцам жить дальше.

The absolute wrong way to react to life in the minority is … well, what we saw from too many people on the Left the past 8 years: calling everyone from the President on down to individual soldiers and Marines war criminals, parroting the propaganda of our enemies, exposing classified national security secrets on the front pages of the newspapers, and generally doing whatever possible to stymie the national defense and convince the nation and the world that America is the bad guy. We’re better than that. When Obama fails to act to defend America and its interests and allies, or violates the basic common-sense principles of national security and foreign policy, we will of course be unsparing in our criticism. But we should not emulate the Left; indeed, the day may even come when Obama needs defending from the Left for doing what needs to be done, and we certainly want to encourage him to take actions that provoke that reaction.

“Не уподобляйтесь левым, мы выше этого”.

– Oppose Obama, Not America
– No Chicken-Hawking
– Don’t Question The Verdict
– Don’t Blame The Voters
– Don’t Get Mad, Get Even
– We Play For 2010, Not 2012
– Prioritize
– Watch Your Budget
– Grow A Thick Hide and Get Your Taxes in Order
– Buy More Life Insurance
– Pray
– Get On Living

По-моему, в высшей степени разумно. Разве что призыв насчет страхования жизни мне кажется не слишком оправданным, а предложение молиться – это на любителя. Тезисы же насчет того, что оспаривать результат или винить неразумных избирателей глупо, а оппонировать надлежит Обаме, а не Америке, поддерживаю полностью.

Еще на эту тему, Victor Davis Hanson:

In the future, criticism should be offered in unified pro-American tones, rather than anti-Obama screeds. When disagreements arise, they should be couched in a sense of regret rather than ebullition. There should be no conservative counterparts of Bill Maher, Michael Moore, or Al Franken.

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