Благотворное влияние демократов на экономику

The Hill рассказывает про домыслы на Уолл-стрит: тамошние люди полагают, что рост рынков связан с законодательными проблемами демократов. Здравоохранительный проект застрял в Палате, природоохранительный – в Сенате, прочие прогрессивные инициативы на благо народа тоже не очень результативны. Тут-то акции и пошли в рост, увидев свет в конце тоннеля.

“In general, I do think it’s positive it’s slowing down in Washington,” Merk said.

Brian Gardner, an analyst with Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, explains that when markets cratered in March, investors worried the Obama administration would nationalize the country’s banks, impose punitive rules on credit card issuers and allow judges to lower the principal and interest payments on mortgages. They saw ever-widening deficits and buckets of debt set to increase with massive healthcare legislation.

Since then, the bankruptcy bill has fizzled and nationalization talk has died out. President Barack Obama did sign a credit card bill into law, but its provisions were much weaker than the industry feared.

Separately, healthcare reform has slowed while a climate change bill imposing taxes on businesses that emit pollutants has stalled in the Senate.

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