
Еще интересное наблюдение. Главное, мол, политическое различие – между людьми, которые любят детей, и людьми, которые детей не любят.

Maybe there are two Americas: one likes kids, the other doesn’t. Maybe it’s just that simple.

Check out the “noses wrinkled in disgust” in this Instapundit link. You can see the little Palin giving her baby brother a kitty lick to fix his hair. Is that cute enuff for ya? But apparently, NY Times reporters reacted with a collective ick, according to another Times reporter, no less. Yes, they are from a different planet.

I’m not sure how this came about or what to do about it, but I believe it may be true. Some people like kids. I do, for example, especially my own. They are cute, for several years of their life span they think you are some sort of hero, and after the phase passes they can at least be disciplined into remaining silent about the fact. When small you can snuggle with them, and they make the perfect companions for watching TV with. It is true they can be noisy and smelly, and they are quite astonishingly expensive. Still, all and all, most kid lovers, such as myself, would be quite happy to see the NY Times, the Met, all decent NYC restaurants and the entire fashion industry fall into a wormhole rather than give up one of the good hours with one of our kids. We are cool with kids, and we don’t care that much about all the big city stuff.

On the other side are people who don’t like kids. Don’t ask me why. They like blackberries and sometimes little rat dogs. The noise and smell associated with kids disgust them. Some of them probably have meticulously organized closets. They probably worry about relationships. I don’t have any relationships. I’m married and I have a few friends, and my kids of course. And careers. I suppose careers must fill up a lot of the space left by not liking kids.

I don’t know. This is a gap so wide I can’t even see across it. I can’t even imagine what it would be like to think a little girl taking care of her baby brother is not cute. I honestly don’t know who these people are.

But I’ll tell you one thing. I don’t want them running our country.

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